Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Here is wishing everyone a GOLDEN start to their 2011!!!  Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


So since it is the closing of 2010, I thought I would create a New Year's resolution of taking a stab at blogging.  So here goes the start of my resolutions:

- I am knocking off one with this blog - I have always enjoyed writing and taken stabs at writing a novel.  I have lots of thoughts and opinions, so what better way to get those down than on a blog.
- Getting back in to shape - Two back surgeries later and I am down quite a bit, but still not back to my "fighting shape" (aka pre-surgery weight).  My goal is to get back down to that this year.  I know everyone has the resolution of losing weight, but I kept to that one this year and lost about 30 pounds.  Now to lose those last 30 pounds.
- Spend more time with family and friends and loved ones.
- Don't sweat the small stuff.  I am a worrier, I admit it.  I get caught up in the daily grind, I worry about small things, I get stressed over things that in the long run, don't mean a lot.  With as busy as I am going to be this coming year, my goal is to not stress over the house being impeccable and other things like that.
- Make more time for me.  Between a full-time job, teaching several college courses, taking care of the dogs, spending time with the husband and family, I sometimes fall on the low end of the list.  I want to take more time each week to devote to myself - whether it be reading, writing or just watching television.

So, there you have it - my resolutions.  What are some of your resolutions?