Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Blow, blow, thou winter wind"

So winter weather was in the forecast for the area yesterday and several upcoming days.  All day yesterday husband would ask if I had any weather update.  Unfortunately, much to my heart's dismay there was nothing to update him on.  My ankle was not swollen or in any abnormal amount of pain.  I wasn't going to post on anything about this, but husband kept making comments that I should blog an official update.

My comment to him was, "I am not wanting my blog to solely be a weather update blog.  I have plenty of other interests that I would prefer to blog about - like soon-to-come countless blogs and pictures of golden retrievers (namely of Scout and Luna - yes I am bias, but I think they are awesome), fashion, travel, random musings, etc."  His reply was, "I get that, but the blog is named after your superb ability to gauge weather.  You have to blog about the blog namesake."

So since Blogger was down yesterday, I had to wait until today.  So I apologize for the somewhat delayed manner of this blog!

See below for the weather report from about how there is a chance of snow in the area three times over the next seven days. weather article

Here is the seven day forecast with images, because I don't know about you - but I always enjoy the snow images that show up on days they predict snow. 7-day weather forecast for Raleigh, NC

So, last night my post was going to be that the verdict from my ankle was no snow for the area for anyone interested.  And it turned out to be correct - the only thing the area got was some cold rain this morning.  They are still calling for snow tomorrow - again no signs from the ankle that there is any clout to this.  As for Tuesday's predictions - stay tuned!!

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