Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Clever Advertising

I apologize for the lack of posting recently - starting a new job, teaching two classes and having a new puppy have all resulted in little to no time right now.  My husband was even lecturing me on not keeping up with the inclement weather we had recently and my lack of blogging.  He said I lost readers because of not giving weather updates.  So to all of you that did not receive your weather updates, I apologize!!

Since I have been in advertising mode with my Principles of Advertising class starting last night and working on some ad campaigns at work, I thought I would share some pictures of some great outdoor advertising that I have seen. 

Let's just say I am getting excited and have some high expectations for the Super Bowl advertising that is coming up in a few weeks.  I am actually very excited to have my advertising class during the time when the Super Bowl is going to be played - a great extra credit assignment!!  Which outdoor ad is your favorite?  Have you seen others that are unique or clever?  If so, please share!!

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