Monday, January 3, 2011

What's in a Name??

So some of you may think that the name of my blog is an interesting one.  However, if you know me at all - it is a common quote of mine especially when there is snow in the forecast.

I have always been somewhat accident-prone growing up.  I also was one who never seemed to heal from said injuries.  I was fortunate enough at 27 to have a doctor put a name to everything and diagnose me with a disease called ankylosing spondylitis (you can read about it more here:  Thank goodness for great rheumatologists, awesome advances in medication and amazing family and friends that have helped me through everything.  (Here is my little plug for the Arthritis Organization - they are a great group and if you ever have the chance to participate in any of their walks, please do!)

Anyway, to go back to things, I had ankle surgery in college from numerous sports injuries.  It never seemed to heal.  Now I know it's because of having AS.  So from all of this, I know have basically doppler in my ankle.  I have a 100% accurate track record in terms of predicting snow versus any meteorologist.  I wish I could patent this.  It used to be, prior to starting my medicine that I am currently on, that I could actually gauge the amount of snow we would have.

I remember one year I was at my job and the weathermen were calling for this awful blizzard.  As anyone who has ever experienced snow in North Carolina knows, just talk of this results in schools being shut down and companies going on delays.  I always laugh at this compared to winters in Ohio.  Anyway, they were making these predictions and my ankle had not swollen any.  One co-worker was saying well I am not coming in because of snow.  I told my boss that if it did snow, it would only be flurries and nothing would stick.  He laughed me off.  The next day - I was 100% right.  The roads were perfectly fine and there was a small snowing that melted off by the time I got to work.  After that day, my boss would always consult me on any potential closings and snow.

Just Christmas Eve this year, they were calling for snow.  We were in Hickory at my husband's parent's house.  They had been talking it up quite a bit there.  So my mother-in-law was saying there is no way we will get anything because whenever they talk it up this much, nothing happens.  By 8 PM on Christmas Eve, my ankle was the size of a grapefruit.  My mother-in-law still didn't believe.  My husband said, "Kelly's ankle never lies.  It is the best predictor of snow that I have ever seen.  We are having a white Christmas!"

It's a blessing and a curse - it is never fun to have a swollen, bruised ankle in the winter.  But on those rare snowy days in North Carolina, I will take that with the wintry goodness that is soon to come!!

So there you have it, the reason behind the name of this blog.  Stay tuned for any further snow predictions - I am sure I can verify or debunk!

Does anyone else have any fun weather-related ailments?

1 comment:

  1. I knew exactly where the name came from! :-) Hope you had a great first day at the new gig!
